Botox, Xeomin, Dysport, Jeuveau…

With so many different neurotoxin brands out there, it’s very easy to feel perplexed and overwhelmed about which one is right for you 💉

Neurotoxin can be used anywhere on the face to relax muscles and eliminate the formation of wrinkles. It is also used to create lip flips, eyebrow lifts, relieve migraine headaches, calm muscle spasms and teeth grinding, as well as treat excessive sweating.  

Botox is the original and most commonly known brand of injectable neurotoxin.  It is so commonly known that it has even become synonymous with the treatment itself.  Botox is a GREAT and highly effective Product; however, you can expect to grow a resistance to its longevity and efficacy over time due to its chemical make-up.  More on that in a moment…

Xeomin and Botox are very similar in that they both have the same FDA trials, with the same outcomes in regard to units, efficacy and duration.  Xeomin differs from Botox however in the way that the neurotoxin is delivered. In general, Neurotoxin binds to the targeted muscle and inhibits the contraction that creates fine lines and wrinkles over time. Botox encapsulates the neurotoxin in “accessory proteins” to aid in delivery to the muscle. Xeomin has been coined the “organic,” or “naked” Botox in that they have developed a way to maintain the neurotoxins integrity through delivery to the target muscles without degradation and without accessory proteins. This is most beneficial in that the body does not develop a resistance to Xeomin over time as it often does with Botox due to the removal of these accessory proteins.

At Executive Esthetics, we generally Like to get patients started on Xeomin if they are new to Neurotoxins. With Xeomin being a CLEAN neurotoxin without the afore mentioned accessory protein, you will not build a resistance over time and the efficacy and longevity will remain much more consistent over years of use.

For patients that have been Using Botox for Less than 2-3 years, we Can Transition them Over to Xeomin Fairly Well.   Most will require to go through a standard 1 year “wash out” period where they will need just a little more Xeomin on each visit to help counteract any resistance from the Botox accessory proteins that have already settled. 

For those that have developed a resistance to Botox and have noticed that it’s Not lasting as long or working as well as it used to, consider switching products and allowing for the “Wash Out” period to take place.  Dysport has shown wonderful results in these situations where a Resistance to Botox has already developed. 

Regarding Jeuveau, Our own personal trials of the Product have shown that it works extremely well in the beginning with results often taking effect in the first 3 days.  However in all of our trials the product only lasted about 5-7 weeks overall.  So we have decided not to carry it at this time.🤷🏻‍♀️

Most importantly with Neurotoxin, don’t lose hope and stay patient. It’s Important that you TRUST your provider and have an open discussion about finding the Neurotoxin that is right for You 💖


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