Hyperpigmentation is a skin condition that appears as brown patches or dark discoloration on the face or body. It commonly develops from excess sun exposure, or after an injury where the damaged skin comes back darker around the scar tissue. Hyperpigmentation is caused by an excess production of melanin in the skin tissue. Melanin is the underlying pigment that gives skin its color and is produced by skin cells called melanocytes. Hyperpigmentation can also be caused by certain medications and even hormonal conditions. 

Three of the most common types of hyperpigmentation are melasma, sunspots, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. 

Melasma is a skin condition that can be caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy, sun exposure, or hereditary conditions. Melanocytes (color-making cells in the skin) overproduce pigment and cause uneven complexion in the affected area. Melasma can also be caused by birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy, or any other dramatic change in hormone levels. Typically, Melasma presents as gray-brown patches on the cheeks, forehead, nose, and chin. 

Sunspots, also known as liver spots, are caused by excess UV sun exposure or tanning beds. This exposure accelerates the production of melanin, leading to dark spots or clusters. 

Post-Inflammatory Pigmentation is dark pigment caused by injury or inflammation to the skin. One common example would be acne scarring due to the damage or stress to the skin.  

Hyperpigmentation alone is not a serious condition and can be successfully treated. It does however affect overall appearance and self-confidence so it is very important to know the available treatment options. Based on skin tone, type, and severity of the pigmentation, there are various treatments and products available to help lighten, maintain, and even prevent the condition. At Executive Esthetics, we offer free consultations and will personally assess a patient’s skin to determine which course of treatment is best for their skin type and condition! 

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a simple and painless treatment commonly used to break up and lighten pigmentation as well as vascular lesions. At Executive Esthetics, we have invested in Lumecca by InMode for our IPL Treatments as it is the most powerful IPL photo-facial treatment device on the market. It is known to clear up Hyperpigmentation and even out complexion in three treatments or less! It can be used anywhere on the face or body to lighten and restore a younger-looking complexion.

The ZO Stimulator Peel, as well as the ZO 3-Step Peel, are also great options for treating hyperpigmentation. Through a series of chemical exfoliations, we are able to improve the complexion and clarity of overall skin.  

A prescribed cream containing medical-grade ingredients such as Hydroquinone or Tretinoin is also recommended to treat pigmentation.  

It’s always important to wear a minimum of SPF 30 sunscreen every day to best prevent sun damage and pigmentation issues! Everyone’s skin and skincare routines are different, so it is very important that we personally and physically assess our patients before determining the best course of action to treat and prevent pigmentation issues.

Schedule your free consultation at Executive Esthetics today so we can create a personally customized care plan that helps you achieve the best complexion and healthiest skin of your life! 


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